In this work, we study the synthesis of monodispersed Fe nanoparticles (Fe-NPs) in situ functionalized with oleic acid. The\nnanoparticles were self-assembled by inert gas condensation (IGC) technique by using magnetron-sputtering process. Structural\ncharacterization of Fe-NPs was performed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Particle size control was carried out\nthrough the following parameters: (i) condensation zone length, (ii) magnetron power, and (iii) gas flow (Ar and He). Typically\nthe nanoparticles generated by IGC showed diameters which ranged from ?0.7 to 20 nm. Mass spectroscopy of Fe-NPs in the\ndeposition system allowed the study of in situ nanoparticle formation, through a quadrupole mass filter (QMF) that one can use\ntogether with a mass filter.When the deposition system works without quadrupole mass filter, the particle diameter distribution is\naround +/?20%.When the quadrupole is in line, then the distribution can be reduced to around +/?2%.